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Date / Time
11:30pm Friday

“We just wanted to do something a little different,” says Flat Party vocalist Jack Lawther, with the group wrapping flamboyance, humour and complicated emotions around urgent indie rock. “We’re only interested in music that feels exciting. We want it to be more than a song that you can just bung on a playlist.”

Both Jack and guitarist Rory O’Rourke had been in bands before they formed Flat Party while studying at Bath Spa University, but there was something about this partnership that felt new. “It was very genuine and allowed us to write the type of music we actually wanted to do,” explains Jack, with the pair bonding over the Beatles, Sparks and The Replacements alongside the personality driven, on-the-nose indie of The Cribs and the ambitious pop of MGMT. “I was always obsessed with bands that felt more like a lifestyle when I was younger,” continues Jack, who just couldn’t find that in a lot of the newer bands at the time.

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